Mobile, Power-up & all browsers

Plus for Trello mobile works on any modern phone or browser!
Also available as a Trello power-up!

Enter and view card 

Companion to the Chrome extension.

It is NOT a good idea to start trying Plus with this app, use the Chrome extension first.

• Android: install from the Android Play Store.
• Webpage (iPhone, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Chrome):
• As a Trello power-up: Setup instructions.

When using

For iPhone/iPadDo not "Add to home screen".

desktop Chrome From the Chrome "More tools" menu, pick "Add to desktop..." with "Open as window" checked.

From the gear top-right you can set options like "no animations" and your team settings like Plus keywords.

Android App, web app, Power-up?

The power-up has some of the web-app functionality accesible from a button in the card front.

The difference between the Android  app (in the Android Play Store) and the web app:

• The native app "pin cards" also adds the card to the phone notification bar. 

• The native app integrates both ways with the native Trello app. The web app integrates one-way (more below).


★ Enter and see card Points/S/E. Make sure to first setup your "keywords" from the gear icon if they are not "plus!".

★ Card Drafts and full offline. Anything typed in the card S/E bar is remembered until you save it to Trello. While offline visit boards, lists and cards previously viewed in the app or save drafts to later enter when online.

★ Pin cards. Pinned cards show in a quick list and as notifications.

★ Integration with the Trello app (both ways)
 From Plus app to Trello app: From any card in Plus, click the blue Trello icon.
 From Trello app to Plus app: (native Android app only). From a card or board in Trello, open in Plus by using "share Card/Board link":

Speed, Network usage & Offline

The first time you enter a page (a specific board, list or card) the app gets data from Trello. That data is saved so next time you enter the same page it loads immediately, even when offline.

Trello data is requested only when you click to navigate to a board, list or card. No network calls are made while the app is closed or inactive. Cards refresh right away when you visit them ("forward", not "back"), while boards and lists refresh after four seconds in the page.

Privacy Policy and Security

The app stores data in your device only for offline use and fast page loads. It never sends your data outside except to Trello itself (for example when you add new card S/E, it will add a card comment to Trello).

All saved data is removed from the device if you "logout from Trello" from Settings.

Anonymous data about app usage and errors is sent to Google analytics. Example data sent is "entered a board page". No information is sent about the board itself or about you, only about the fact that "some user entered some board page". These analytics are very useful so we know where to focus our efforts by knowing what features are most used or need improvement.


The app itself is very small. It stores data about visited boards, lists and cards in your phone storage, for offline use. View or empty storage from Settings+Help or from your phone's app manager in the native app.

Know issues

#1: If you delete or change an existing card s/e comment (discouraged in Plus Help) you might get a different report than the one in the chrome extension. The app always displays an accurate card s/e report while the chrome extension needs a "reset sync" whenever you delete or change s/e comments.

#2: This version is compatible with the regular "Trello card comments" sync, not with "google spreadsheet sync" (legacy or stealth modes).

#3: In the Android app when clicking a card notification in the phone notification bar, under rare cases the card will not open in the app. It does open if you click again on the notification.

Open-Source licences


Frequently asked questions