Transfer estimates between users or from a global estimate

Transfer estimates between users. Mostly used for transferring from a global estimate to an actual user.

Check "Immediately spend the transferred units" to also have the receiver (to) spend the transferred estimate units.

To add a global estimate pick the "global" user in the S/E bar. That special user name can be customized from Plus preferences.

Plus always transfers "first estimates" (E 1ˢᵗ). If Plus didn't do that, your "estimate change" charts would have increased and decreased estimates for each transfer.

That rule has the side-effect that a global E 1ˢᵗ could go negative for a card if you had increased the global estimate and then transferred it out. While it may look strange in a "changed estimates" chart, it makes sense if you view it as:
Estimate = E 1ˢᵗ + estimate changes. Lets say a global estimate was 10, then increased to 20, then transferred to users, its final E = zero, and E change is +10, thus E 1ˢᵗ is -10.

Transfers are fully traceable. View the complete card S/E change history with a report grouped by "S/E rows" (or click the "report" link in the card front above its S/E/R table). There, transfers can be identified because their  "note" will contain "[^etransfer from xxx]" or "[^etransfer to xxx]" and will also indicate the user that made the transfer (when its not the same user that the transfer side affects).

How is E 1ˢᵗ (first estimate) calculated?

For normal non-[R]ecurring cards, E 1ˢᵗ is the first estimate entered per user. For Plus recurring cards (those with [R] in their title), E 1ˢᵗ is always the current estimate.

See these values in Plus reports by grouping on "S/E rows". Each row has an "E. type" column. "NEW" means the row is part of the first estimate. E 1ˢᵗ is the sum of all such rows for a given card and user, which is usually only one row (the first one by entry order) for non-recurring cards and all rows for [R]ecurring cards.

When transferring estimates, more rows with "E. type" NEW will show in reports, which add or substract from E 1ˢᵗ.

You dont need to worry about all these. Simply group reports by Card, Card-User or any other grouping besides "S/E rows" to keep all those details hidden, and just view the resulting S/E/E 1ˢᵗ/R columns. You only need to group by "S/E rows" if you must trace exactly how a report value was calculated.
